Tickled Rainbow!

On receiving my first two awards, I was just Tickled Pink.  Today, I find myself Tickled Rainbow, for I received not one, but two fabulous awards from equally fabulous sites.  There is no “one hue” that can describe my elation now.  I am doing belly-flops I am so excited.  The cats have left.  The dog, on the other hand, is loving this new game, although she is battling to understand the rules of belly-flop.  Then again, when has a dog ever needed to understand anything to get full-hearted enjoyment out of it?

Pick of the Litter Award

Hey It’s Jet Here most incredibly sent me the Sunshine award.  This is truly a great honour and I am astounded by Jet’s generosity.  Jet (clever little dog that he is) writes a most entertaining blog from his unique perspective on life.  DogDaz have also given me an award – you crazy bunch of welcoming bloggers.  This site has brilliant photographs and very entertaining dialogue  (details of their award further on).

Sunshine Award

In acceptance of the Sunshine Award, I have to ….. here we go again….. sorry Mom for all these 4-letter words …..WORK!  I need to answer (which requires thinking), the questions below:

  • Favorite number: 3, no 7, no 11 – oh stop confusing me here!
  • Favorite Non-alcoholic drink:  What is a non-alcoholic drink???  Amarula Cream has cream in it, does that count?.
  • Facebook or Twitter: Would have to be Facebook – never been on twitter, you tweet.
  • My Passion: Oh golly, let me think here, it might be….let’s see….animals?
  • Favorite pattern: Those one’s that make you inadvertently think of hearts (aren’t I just the soppy one).
  • Favorite Day of the Week: The one’s on which we win awards, of course.
  • Favorite Flower:  Now there’s a weird one.  Maybe Self-Raising?  Oh, sorry, you meant “flower” not “flour”, ok then, it would be Jasmine (my last rescue dog was even named Jasmine)

Whew!  That’s it for all the Thinking and Work, other than to nominate a couple of my favourite sites.  There’s a good chance I am supposed to nominate a specific number of sites but, unfortunately, I haven’t been around all that long (real spring-chicken here), so it’ll just be a few.  I hope it makes your day guys – it certainly made mine!

I know, I know – all of you have probably received billions of awards, including this one, but I thought you might at least want to know that I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs and think you are all Fantastic.

To Collies Of The Meadow – who really needs a little sunshine at the moment – God bless you and give you strength.

To Wayward Dogs – for all your incredible work, helping lost and wandering dogs – we appreciate you.

To  I Adopted a Dog – NOW WHAT – thanks for adopting and letting us all share in your adventures.

To Paws to Talk – for always keeping a smile on my face with your unique answers to difficult questions.

To Chancy the Gardner – for your fantastic site with its’ own special point of view.

To Bassas Blog – for your hilarious and brilliant photographs and your unique outlook on life.

And last but by no means least:

To DogDaz, who is jointly responsible for my absurd “belly-flopping”, as they have listed me as their Pick of the Litter and awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award.  I love your site and am deeply grateful for your generosity and kindness.

Versatile Blogger

All the furry critters here in Sunny South Africa, send all their slobbery kisses and hugs to Hey It’s Jet Here and DogDaz.  They appreciate your help in raising awareness for the shelter animals.  THANK YOU


Filed under Awards

44 responses to “Tickled Rainbow!

  1. Great big concatulations from US! You deserve those awards for all the great work you do AND for this very fun blog too!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy AND his Mom

  2. and BIG concatulations and dogulations from us as well!!!! Barks, licks and meows and love from Dakota and Cody

  3. So thrilled you like a recent post of mine! And are you familiary with RumpyDog’s blog? I know you would love it! Congratulations on these wonderful awards. So pleased to know about these other blogs, as well. Jasmine is one of my favorite scents! And I adore animals, as well! Hope to see you back on my blog again! Putting my paws together for the continued success of this blog!

  4. Wow! Thank you so much for the Sunshine award!! YAY!!! We appreciate it and it did bring in some sunshine into our lives.. thank you again!!! 🙂
    God Bless You!
    the collies and chuck 🙂

  5. Thanks for visiting our blog and congrats on all your awards. Your cause is a great one

    urban hounds

  6. Congratulations! Thank you so much for the award! We are honored and will thank you properly soon.

  7. Congratulations!! Both awards are well deserved 🙂

  8. Yeah! Yahoo! & Congratulations!

  9. Congratulations! You deserve all of your awards! And thank you so much for recognizing me. I appreciate your engagement very much.

  10. Thank you. We were, as you probably guessed, rather chuffed and very pleased to pass it on to you, although I’m guessing you’ve had billions by now.

  11. Thanks for stopping by, nice to meet you! Deccy

  12. Chancy and Mumsy

    Congratulations! Thank you for thinking of us. We will put a blog out soon and thank you again. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. Awww….thank you so much for your kind words! And congratulations on your awards! I truly admire all of the work that you do for the animals of South Africa!

  14. Many congratulations! I think your blog is fantastic and deserves very many more awards!! Thank you for including Bassa’s Blog in your nominations for the Sunshine Award x

  15. Thanks for popping to visit us, it’s great having new furriend. Well done with all those awards! Wee’s be popping to see ya all a lot. 🙂
    Big hugs Mollie and ” Furball” ( that’s the one who thinks he’s a cat! )

  16. Hey it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Susan,

    Gosh, we love the kisses, hugs, appreciation and good stuff. We also enjoyed your answers… Mom’s writing about you RIGHT NOW in her Kitchen Counselor newsletter… (ya know the thingie about the fruit)… You are an exquisite addition to the petblogosphere!

  17. Congratulations! Well deserved rewards 🙂

  18. Congratulations on your awards! It looks from your comments that you are well on your way!! Good for you!

  19. misswhiplash

    Hello..I have only just discovered you via Chuck and the Collies..so I popped over to have a read and enjoyed it..so I have pressed the little old button and will be reading you again

    • Thank you so much – I am “chuffed” to have you along for the ride. Had to make mention of “chuffed” as I read your comment on Collies of the Meadow. I think you may be right – that it is old English.

  20. Pingback: I need a bigger blog! « bassasblog

  21. Pingback: Links and love « Wayward Dogs

  22. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    Sweet – congrats 🙂

    Congrats to all the crazy cats.

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