What happens when you let your 8 week old start partying?

In short, this:

Passed Out Pussy Cat

Passed Out Pussy Cat

With minor adjustments to get to this:

Kitty Kaplutz

Kitty Kaplutz



Filed under Adoptions, Party, Pixels

115 responses to “What happens when you let your 8 week old start partying?

  1. Awww, total exhaustion! 🙂 cute!

  2. Don

    Why O’ why do I put myself through this!

  3. Pooped puss – nothing cuter 🙂

  4. A perfect example of the morning of the night before…

  5. Dreaming no doubt of saucers of milk and mice to chase

  6. She’s a right little pawty animal, but how cute 🙂 xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. Sweet dreams. Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. I’ve never understand why hangover is called “macskajaj” [cat + misery, wailing] in Hungarian or “Katzenjammer” in German. Maybe, those many-many glasses of bubbly went down into her back legs! 🙂 🙂

  9. Irresponsible parent!
    How come he seems to have an extra paw?

    • What?!?!?! Don’t all cats have 5 legs? Now you tell me 😀 It does, though, doesn’t it. It’s actually the colouring on her chest that looks like an extra leg in that photo.
      As far as parenting is concerned, I think it’s a bit of “like mother, like daughter” going on here 😀

  10. Poor Pixels…pooped…partied out….probably dreaming of the NEXT one! Adorable pix……

    Pam and Sam

  11. I saw her on the dance floor – as the band was playing a jitter-pug ;o)

  12. MOL!
    Now where are the after-party pics of humans? 😉

  13. Ahhhh…the joys of a kitten. They are either moving at 100 miles an hour, or snoozing. 🙂

  14. Hopefully her head’s not too sore.

  15. Almost makes me want to endure kitty litter again! Almost.

  16. catfromhell

    Wowwie! She is one bagged baby! And looks at the size of those feets!!!

  17. Totally on another planet…Bupiter!! Such a teeny sweetie.

  18. Miss Satchie

    hehehe tired kitty

  19. You’re never too young to start! 🙂
    And those pictures are a sign of a good time had by all!

  20. “Man I am never doing that much ‘nip at once again …”

  21. Ah, the life of a cat. Thanks for making me smile.
    Tracy 🙂

  22. OMG overload of cuteness here 🙂

  23. Oh my gosh, that last picture couldn’t be cuter!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  24. Woof! Woof! Hope you had SWEET Dreams. Lots of Golden Woofs,Sugar

  25. Looks like a happy hangover! LOL 🙂

  26. LOL There’s nothing cuter than pooped pets! 🙂

  27. Safe to say when you’re 8 week old starts playing everyone falls hopelessly and utterly in love!! These photos are just soooo cute and adorable! Lovely!

  28. Pixie Pixels is too pooped to pop, lol….

  29. I love, love those pictures!

  30. bibibapka

    So sweet 🙂

  31. Chancy the Gardener

    Awwww, how cute!!! Hugs and nose kisses

  32. petit4chocolatier

    What a cutie!! A little tired cutie 🙂

  33. I’m in love! Can I have her?

  34. you really get great shots of your animals…love it!! ♥

  35. That is just the cutest photo!!!!!! 🙂

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