Tag Archives: new born kittens

Irresponsible Mothers and Child Pregnancies

Yes, I am an irresponsible mother.  We’ve suffered the first child pregnancy in the family’s history and it’s a shocker! 

Has anyone else suffered the sheer, colossal embarrassment of one’s child, having supposedly been surrounded by a warm and loving family who provided clear and sound moral guidance, suddenly falling pregnant at an absurdly young age?  I’m quite sure I cannot be the only one who believes that the home environment should have negated such a disaster.  I am equally sure that all parents, whose children have brought such disgrace upon the family, suffer the same whiplash thought of attempting to keep the embarrassing situation hidden.

The thought most certainly crossed my mind.  “Tell no-one!” I said to myself.  “What will they think of me?” I wondered.  Best not be lambasted for my poor parenting skills, especially out in public, on the internet.  But, I fear, as my own mother so poignantly pointed out, I’m far too much of a chatter-box to keep such things secret and, as such, I hereby lay bare the nasty truth of it all, awaiting the tyranny of my sorely neglected readers.

Pixels, the baby child of the family, fell pregnant!  There it is, in all its horror.  I said it.  My beautiful, sweet child allowed a street kid, nonetheless, into her home and did the unspeakable.  A subject on which I shall refrain from elaborating because it is, well, unspeakable.  Surfice it to say that, although I may appear to be a truly irresponsible mother, I had booked for her to be spayed but found, to my dismay, that the appointment needed to be altered to a pregnancy test.

Of course, as is the case with all prematurely “grandmothered” mothers, seeing the perfect, most adorable offspring, has changed shock into adoration and love.  As such I find myself inexplicably forced to subject everyone to photographs of my stunning grandchildren and their utterly fantastic mom who, even at such a tender young age, has proven to be the most perfect and responsible mother I think I have ever seen.  I am so incredibly proud of her and cannot fault a single thing she has done, through child birth to her skills through the first 3 days of the babies lives on the planet.

Welcome to the world, my lovelies!

A Cuddle of Kittens

A Cuddle of Kittens

Bath Time

Bath Time

1 day old - sleeping in my hand

1 day old – sleeping in my hand

Just got to love those faces!

Just got to love those faces!


The lightest of the gingers

The lightest of the gingers


3 days old - ultimate cuteness

3 days old – ultimate cuteness



Filed under New Born Kittens, Pixels