It’s Good To Have Friends In High Places

Remember poor Sabre, all ready for an outstanding camping trip with Sammy and his friends?  He was stuck at home due to his dim-witted, excuse-filled Mom.  Well, the Stupendous Sammy came to the rescue!

Being unbelievably well connected, Sammy organised for the FBI (Feline Bureau of Investigations) to send their Jet, normally reserved for VIPs (Very Important Pussies), to collect Sabre and fly him directly to the camp site.

Not only that, but he also made sure there was a professional photographer on board, who sent Mom proof that little Baby Sabre was, indeed, in extremely good paws.

Sammy pulled out all the stops on this one!

Sammy pulled out all the stops on this one!

Just look what Sammy did.   An FBI Jet, filled with food, toys, tents and pretty much anything any VIP camper could ever hope for.

Thanks Sammy for a terrific time.


Filed under Camping, Sabre

68 responses to “It’s Good To Have Friends In High Places

  1. Goodness, you’re going to get an earful from Sabre when he gets back about that VIP trip 😀

  2. Sammy is just the best, as for Humom..Well, say no more..BOL, it was great to have you there Sabre 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. Glad you could join us Sabre! Hope you had fun:-)

  4. Well it was a pleasure to be able to help little Sabre get to camp…..lots of his bloggy buddies were so sad to see his photo all packed with nowhere to go! What could I do but ask the FBI to help get him to camp???!!! He was a perfect little gentleman too and enjoyed meeting lots of new friends. Thanks for letting him join us!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  5. VIP Sabre. Pawsome!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Sammy is the best. Sabre, we are so happy you made it! It was fun seeing you – and your snacks – there.

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  7. That’s a very cool bird, Sabre. Many thanks to Sammy and the FBI :o)

  8. Roxy the Traveling Dog

    Wow, very cool. Looks like a great time.

  9. It’s like you’ve flown with Emirates first class, Saruman looks so cute there.

    • Ha, got you there. Not Saruman, this was Sabre as a baby. He was too cute a baby not to keep digging back and pulling out his old photos 😀 Would have no idea what flying first class on Emirates is like but, if it’s like that, I think I’d best start saving 🙂

  10. It’s good to have friends in high places! But then having friends in low places never hurt either. 🙂

  11. catfromhell

    The FBI is so good at helping out!

  12. That is so cool, yea to Sammy and have fun Sabre!

  13. OMD! That is so cute!! YEA Sammy! You are one cool Kat!

  14. Excellent! Now you get to go on an adventure!!! 🙂

  15. Little Sabre going to camp, that’s so sweet and Sammy is the best 🙂

  16. Leo

    Great story, love little sabre. 🙂 My Grand Daughter want`s to know when the next trip will be. 🙂

  17. That’s the way to travel!

  18. Sabre is such a sweet little guy.

  19. Turns out that sometimes when you miss the bus a private jet comes along. Not bad!

  20. good job sabre, glad you have a chance to go camping, vip style. the best way to go. enjoy and have fun

  21. Aww 🙂 What more could young Sabre ask for! Well… apart from a trip to Europa of course to play with the Icewolves 😉

  22. Sammy’s the best…Hope Sabre didn’t pick up too many bad habits from those wild & crazy campers

  23. WOW-WEE Sabre!!! Now that’s the way to travel!!
    Wally & Sammy

  24. Camping and flying on an FBI jet? So cool!!

  25. It seems that Sammy is smarter than your mom 😉

    Anyway…a plane that big and you are all alone, didn’t you feel lonely, Sabre?

  26. Sabre really got the royal treatment! I am so glad he got to go camping too 😀

  27. Wow special moggie treatment we like 🙂

  28. Fantastic news. What spoiling. 🙂

  29. Sabre, you are one spoiled cat me thinks!!

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